Finally me and my own domain. It's been a while since I really want to purchase my own domain. I don't want to bother of maintaining if host by myself. So since beginning I decide to use free service instead of self hosting with choice between wordpress or blogger.
Wordpress is nice. I have blog with it almost for 4 years. It has very user friendly interface from editing post, use template and managing files. Main wordpress drawback in my preference is no good possibility to post ads on my own blog. In other side, blogger editing feature is not rich as wordpress. Even currently I don't know how I can upload file to my blogger blog. But blogger is Google giant product. By buying domain I got several more feature, mainly Google Apps account that provide many service that is even I don't think it previously like a lot of user account, email, and other Google service.
There are some advantages of personal domain. Some of those are more encouragement to be more productive in writing post. By owning personal domain indirectly we stated that "I want to be more serious in writing" so hopefully the post will out more regularly. Second, we got more personal branding, by introducing our web e.g as lamida.net instead of lamida.wordpress.com or lamida.blogspot.com. Third by the second reason, we can also beautify our name card and our curriculum vitae :p.
So this page also will introduce what I will write here. Everything will relate to my self and my personal interest. But I will try to be more professional. So then I will try my best that no outpouring here like my broken heart story or my breakfast menu post. I will make sure every content is more informative and usable. Most of them will relate to my personal interest in computer science, engineering, book, gadget, movie, music, etc. I always believe specialty is good and something that to generic usually shallow so I also try not too to be generalist but to be more focus oriented. Last word, English is not my mother tongue, I hope mistake such wrong vocabulary, miss type and mess up grammar is understandable.
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